

Hey there TGIF woohooo! As I was straightening my messy table where I create, I found all of these cute little scraps & ephemera. I have been trying so hard to use my stash and stop hoarding, so I decided to just cluster them together and put them on a layout!

For the background, I colored onto a wrinkly piece of packaging with a gelato, sprayed it with water, then flipped it over onto my ledger paper and kind of smeared it around. This created a really cute and subtle watercolor background, I love it! 

Are you going to be taking some time to be creative today? Go through your stash and see what little bits & pieces you can find, and make something pretty with them!

Thanks for stopping by, have a wonderful weekend!  

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I have the sweetest readers ever, thank you so much for stopping by! xoxo