
to the moon and back

Hey there paper peeps! So tell me... are you a paper hoarder? Ohmygosh I have so much paper and I don't know whyyyyy?!?!  I just love it, it's my weakness.. I realized yesterday as I was "shopping" thru my stash.. I found this super cute moon paper by Studio Calico and was like, how have I never used this?! So. Darn. Cute.

So I used it can you believe it?! This layout is so simple it seriously took me like 8 minutes, but I love it! I did just realize though, that the lighting on the right side of the layout is darker than the left, but that is ok. I'm learning to just, let it gooo. 

Do you ever create things to just gush over your loved ones and tell them how much you love them? I do, I feel like I need to.. just in case.. plus when you see their faces light up it makes it all worth while ;)

Have a lovely day babes! Now go shop your stash! 
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I have the sweetest readers ever, thank you so much for stopping by! xoxo