
never a dull moment..

Hey paper peeps! How are you holding up in this crazy time?! I'm doing ok, just taking it day by day :) I haven't blogged in awhile, so I thought I'd jump back in and share a little mini album I've been working on! 

I used a mix of goodies from my stash, but all of the paper is from the new Felicity Jane kit for April called Grace, it's so pretty! I love floral and gingham it's just the prettiest combination!

Little tabs and word snippets add just the cutest little detail..

This adorable Maggie Holmes charm is the perfect little bling to add to a tag at the top! The sticker that says "these are the best days" are from one of Maggie's sticker books!

In the papers is this cute one with all of these little journaling spots on it, and I wanted to do something clever with it, so I typed in all of these little things that have been going on lately so we never forget!

Polka dotted vellum is one of my favorite scrapbooking supplies evah! It adds the perfect amount of softness I think :)

Vellum pockets are perfect for tucking in little photos!

I have many more photos to add in this book including Easter memories, I just love this hobby! I love preserving our memories and time together! Makes me so happy!

Thank you so much for stopping by dears, have a happy crafty day!

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I have the sweetest readers ever, thank you so much for stopping by! xoxo