
happy anniversary mom and dad!

Heyyy paper peeps! Hope you all are doing well in these crazy times! I so miss walking through antique stores and flea markets, treasure hunting is the best! One day when I was strolling through an antique store I found this adorable vintage Hallmark photo album that says Showers of Happiness on the front. It was only $2.00 booyahhh! So of course being the hoarder that I am I grabbed it, and I'm so glad I did! It became my parents wedding album! They've been married 46 years wowza!

All I did to jazz up the cover was add a chipboard word and striped marquee love washi tape by Heidi Swapp!

I used a mixture of products, it was so fun!

Look at how cute this cake is!

 I am so thankful for photographs! Looking at them is like going back in time and being with these loved ones all over again. 

What is your favorite treasure that you've ever scored at an antique store?

Thanks for stopping by and have a happy scrappy day! 

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  1. I can't even with how cute this album is!!!

    1. Aw you are so sweet thank you so much for commenting love! xoxo

  2. oh my loveeeeeee this so much....I think I have a few of these old albums...I love all your touches!


I have the sweetest readers ever, thank you so much for stopping by! xoxo