
3 french hens holiday market 2018

**DISCLAIMER~~ lOng pOst AleRt~~**

Hey darlings! Can you believe that Thanksgiving is right around the corner?!?! I can't! I am so excited though, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the holiday season! Do you have anything special that you do to kick off the holiday season? One of my favorite things to do is go to Christmas markets and shops, it's so fun & festive! There's a really fantastic one by me that I love to go to, and I actually decided to have a booth in it this year... whhhattttt?!?! Yep! I just wanted to do something different and make some special memories, and guess what? It turned out to be SO AWESOME, I am so thankful. I was a nervous wreck but it all worked out :) I learned that no matter how skeered you are, don't be afraid to try new things! Sometimes you just have to throw yourself out there, because you just never know what could happen ;) 
This is me, hi lol ;)

I had a lemonade stand type of booth, and it was the perfect thing to have in our little corner ;) 

It was decorated kind of eclectic with a little bit of handmade glam and vintage details thrown in? 
I love the cute junque style banner at the top, so fun! I added some mini gold cupcake wrappers to add some shine. The glittery fa la la banner is by Pottery Barn, the white scallops are red dotted cupcake wrappers, and I cut the large scallops out of some Crate Paper Christmas patterned papers. I mean you can't decorate anything Christmasy without some red & black buffalo check right?! **OBBBSSSESSSSEDDDDDDD**

There's alot of people out there that have a hard time around the holidays, so I wanted to make a booth that was just glowing with happiness & cheer! That's how I came up with the "Create Joy.." We had lights strung everywhere! I don't think we could've fit anymore haha!  I made the JOY marquee sign out of paper mache letters and globe lights, and you could see that baby all the way from the front of the building it was AWESOME!! You walked down the aisle, turned the corner and BAM!! This bright glowing little corner of happiness in a sea of darkness lol it was so funny! They definitely weren't going to miss us lol! That thing was lit up like a... yep you guessed it. A Christmas tree! 

This cute wooden "create" word was sent to me by my dear friend Heidi Swapp! It was the perfect thing for my overhead sign, all I had to do was glitter the front and it was ready! 

We were selling these darling little photo clip jars, and the customers would get their picture taken right there on the spot with an Instax camera so they could put it on their jar. It was so fun to see their faces light up when we told them that! They loved it! Now they'll have a little memory of the fun evening forever! 

Since we were making Christmas cards I thought it would be fun to have this little postman up on the counter, I just love old pics! 

I was trying to think of a cute way to display some little trees, and of course in the basket of a vintage bicycle was the perfect thing! 

The perfect finishing touches were some greenery, white lights, and this darling Heidi Swapp Merry banner. It comes with battery operated lights with these adorable plastic stars that you put right onto the little bulbs, ohmygosh it was the cahutest thing ever! Everyone loved the bike so much and kept asking if I was selling it, but I just couldn't part with it..

You could definitely tell it was a papercrafters booth! We were making cards and selling handmade gift tags, they were hanging all over the place! They added the cutest details to the booth! 

I love this darling coffee cup die! It's like 6 inches tall it's adorbs and makes the cutest card! Peel and stick foam sheets make the best lids! 

I had so many sweet friends come to see me! God has blessed me with so many amazing people in my life, I am so grateful for them! 

This is my cutie pie son..

Let me tell you about what a beast this kid is! He is always there to lend a hand and always willing to go above and beyond what he is asked, without complaining or all of that other teenage stuff lol! And we all know what a fan men are of craft shows bahahaha! For realski though I'm so thankful he got to be there! Couldn't have done it without him, he is a hard. worker. Thank you so much for being there for me BeeeBeeee. (I'm so sad that my other little darling couldn't be here ;( we all missed him so!) 

I may or may not be a fan of sarcasm... 

I am so addicted to little bottle brush trees! Soo cuuutteeeee... 

Obvi you need a jar of candy if you're going to last all weekend lol! ;)

Ok so we shopped a little too but whatever..

This poor girl delivered us pizzas on this bike.. Just kidding it was FAH-REEEZZIINGGGGGG but that would've been awesome lol!  We actually started calling them frozen pizzas lol! 

This is my sweet mama that flew all the way across the country to be with us for the market. She is a hard core crafty party animal!!

Thank you to all of my sweet friends & family that came to visit our little happy place and for all of your hard work, you made the whole thing so wonderful & fun & festive! Couldn't have done it without you ;) Some of you drove far holy cow! You'll be getting something from me in the mail soon wink wink..  Thank you to the 3 French Hens for making a place for me in this awesome heated building at this crazy awesome market, (there were seriously SO MANY amazing vendors ohmygosh...) Did I walk away from this thing a millionaire? No. Did I walk away from this thing with tons of memories and a brain absolutely swimming, brimming, and overflowing with ideas? YES!! Was it totally worth it? Yes. Yes. Yes. 

Did you start decorating yet? I know I know, it's still November... ;) but get busy!! 

Thanks for stoppin by, have a lovely day! 

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1 comment:

  1. Holy cow, Girl! you so rocked this craft fair....your booth was so darling and eye catching with such beautiful details...so happy for you. Thanks for sharing with us I was so hoping to get to see and read more about your day! You should open up a little shop! Wink, Wink!


I have the sweetest readers ever, thank you so much for stopping by! xoxo