
always come home..

Hey there paper peeps, Happy Monday! Where did the weekend go?! Just thought I'd pop on here and post a fun little layout I did about my son. It's that dreaded time of summer when you can feel the "back to school" feeling creeping in... I never understood the parents that were so excited and glad their kids were going back to school. I always dreaded it! Makes me sad, knowing that another school year is upon us, babies are another year older, growing so fast, slowly slipping away, becoming less and less dependent on their mama ;( I don't like it. I miss them already! But. I am also so grateful and excited for their journey's! It's amazing watching your children grow and develop their own personalities, dreams, sense of humor, all of it, I love it! 
Recently I came home and saw my son just chillin on the front patio, reading his Tim Tebow book. My heart felt immediately so happy and content. I so love having him home with me ;) Pretty soon he'll be going back to college and working on that dream of his, "gettin that grind" he says. I'm so excited for him but at the same time I will dearly miss that handsome little face around here.

I absolutely love using my Silhouette Cameo and cutting files from white cardstock! Then I just get creative and add some paints or inks or sprays or whatever I feel like doing to add color! It's so fun! Do you ever do that to yours or do you always cut them from patterned paper? I am so obsessed with leaves lately ohmygosh... and letter stamps! I've been stamping so much lately it makes me happy ;)

This little tag by Maggie Holmes is so darling! Who knew black could be so pretty?! 

What are your thoughts about back to school? Happy or sad? Yay or nay? 

Thanks for stopping in, have a beautiful day dear friends! 
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I have the sweetest readers ever, thank you so much for stopping by! xoxo