
stress free scrapbooking

Happy Tuesday paper peeps! Ok.. so be honest... do you guys freak out if you make a mistake on your projects? Or do you just say whatevs and fix it? I used to freak out kinda and sometimes even throw my whole page in the garbo... but you know what? That totally takes the fun out of it and sucks the joy right out of the whole scrappy process! So now if I make a mistake, I either just let it go or fix it the best i can and MOVE ON SISTAH!! Life's too short to sweat the small stuff ;) At the end of the day, your loved ones are not going to care about the little boo-boos on your layout, they're going to love it! The photo, the memory, everything! Because that's what's important ;) 
On this layout, I wrote July instead of June and totally put my picture on crooked. I did fix the date because that's kindof important lol, but I left the pic where it stands. It's not that big of a deal right? 

Isn't this pinky palm paper by Maggie Holmes so beautiful?! It's probably one of my all time favorite papers evah! Love it. Plus it matches my dress lol! 

Another thing that can cause stress in scrapbooking (at least it does me sometimes) is the feeling that you're never going to get caught up on your photos. I have soooo many memories that need to be scrapped! How do you even tackle this? Like boxes and boxes of photos ugh... It's so easy to get overwhelmed isn't it?! But it's ok. Just so you start somewhere right? Just remind yourself that it's supposed to be fun! Take the events that are most important to you and get them documented, then the rest is golden my friend ;) Also, if you mainly just create layouts, throw a mini-album in there once in awhile, boom from start to finish. Then you'll get the feeling of accomplishment that you actually finished something and you'll feel better! Then go back to your layouts! I bounce around anyways because I love to make anything & everything in the world lol! 

Do you have any tips on how to beat the stress in the scrap room? What do you struggle with? Do you have hoarding issues like I do?! LOLOL we'll keep that for next time.. that's a whooooollleeee other blog post hahaha! 
Thanks for hangin with me!

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