
few and far between

Hey paper peeps! What kind of scrapper are you? Do you document the daily, or are you a special event type of memory keeper? Or do you bounce around between all the different years? I'm kindof a bouncer, but I've been really cherishing little moments alot here lately.. like the day to day "ordinary"  moments such as snuggling on the couch with my babes, watching movies, going to church, things like that.. I've been feeling an urgency to get things written down and just make some freeking  progress can I get a witness?!?!

2017 was such a crazy weird amazing EMOTIONAL year for me. There were so many changes, so much growing, so many things this mama heart had to get used to.. My whole universe had shifted.. & I started realizing what other parents meant by "letting go.." Ugh. This was NOT easy for me.. My boys have been my whole life forever, now I'm just supposed to let go are you kidding me right now?! All the bedtime stories and diaper changes and booboo kisses and new back packs and new boxes of crayons and holding hands when you cross the street and playing catch and running around the yard barefoot screaming like banshees and slip & slides and pb&j sammies outside in the grass and chasing fireflies and watching fireworks on a blanky and throwing french fries up in the air for the seagulls to swoop down and catch and now I'm just supposed to let go.. Hmph. Ain't happenin sister. This might take awhile..

Some of you parents that have experienced having a child grow and fly the coop may have noticed how special the little things become.. When they leave for awhile and then come home to "visit" you realize how absolutely precious it is when you actually can get time with everyone all together because those moments become few and far between.. which is why I just felt compelled to scrap our lunch at Culver's the other day after church ;) I used the Project Life "Gather" Core Kit and the "Project 52 Fresh" Core Kit.   


               I love all the greens! And yes I added pink & those gorgeous flowers to a layout with my boys but it's so pretty mixed with black & whites and makes me happy! ;) Those little banners on the bottom left card were fussy cut from other cards in the Gather kit, I just cut them out and layered them, that's one of my favorite things to do with Project Life cards is cut them babies apart lol! We all have our things I guess. 

It was an absolutely FAHREEZING sunshiney day, just grabbing a quick bite, nothing spectacular. But you know what? It was spectacular. I loved it. All of it. Just being with my people, all together, chillin, eatin crap food. I loved it. I'm so happy I decided to snap a couple pics (very sneakily, quick tip- put your phone on silent so they stay relaxed and can't tell that you're being sneaky buhahaha) because I just love these cute candid shots! They make my heart so happy! And look at the cute layout I got from them?! These little moments, I'm tellin ya. Someday I'm going to yearn for "the good ole days" and I'll be able to look back through my albums at them, can you even imagine? What a great investment! 

Something I've learned in life is to not take anything for granted. You just never know what a day could bring.. so enjoy having your little lunches.. enjoy your little hangouts and picking out that perfect sprinkled donut together..  absorb those happy little faces.. 

Don't wait for the perfect opportunity to take pictures, make every opportunity a chance to take awesome pictures. French fry fingers and all ;) 

xoxo Sarah

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